A beloved bakery in Virginia, renowned for its delectable pastries and artisanal breads, embarked on an ambitious expansion project. The bakery's owners envisioned a larger space to accommodate increased demand and offer expanded dining options.
To bring their vision to life, they sought a flexible financing solution that would allow them to focus on growth.
We provided the perfect answer with an Unsecured Bankroll Interest-Only loan of $525,000 within 18 business days. This strategic financing choice enabled the bakery to allocate funds towards the remodeling and expansion without the immediate pressure of principal payments.
The additional space allowed the bakery to increase production capacity, introduce new menu items, and create a more inviting atmosphere for customers.
Reach out to Reset Funding to explore our range of financial solutions tailored to your business. From start-ups, personal & business lines of credit, to real estate funding, we have the expertise and resources to support your growth. Fill out the form below, and let's start building a brighter financial future together!